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What is a cover letter?

A minute until this question sends you scrambling to your computer and search engine; a paragraph ago, we were discussing how AI-powered software is...

Do you believe that internships are a sure-fire way to finding your career?

Well, according to this article, those myths have a lot of people believing them. These three ways the author suggests will lead to a...

What types of careers are available?

There are a variety of different types of careers available, depending on your interests and skills. Choosing the right career is important, because it...

Few Tips to Discover Your Path

Based on your personal goals and dreams, it's time to start planning the steps you need to take to make them a reality. There are...

Leading a successful career is not as difficult as people believe:

There are many things that need to be done in order for someone to be successful. In this article we will discuss some of...

What are the Pros of a Career Change?

When it comes to making a career change, there are many pros to consider. By switching gears, you can open yourself up to a...

What to Do if You Need A New Career

If you're considering a career change, you may be wondering what to do. Here are five tips to help you get started: Check out job...

Freelance copywriting is an essential skill for many jobs

You might, deep down, know that you want to spend half your time writing and pursuing other passions, but the unknown world of freelance...

Who Should Pursue a Career?

There are plenty of reasons to pursue a career in the arts. The challenge for many people is figuring out what avenue to pursue....

Where Do You Suit Up For Your Job Search?

In a Hurry? Find The Best Talent If you are in a rush to fill a position, there are a few things to keep in...